Maryam Nawaz has not received any request from ECL, Sheikh Rashid said

 Federal Interior Minister Sheikh Rashid has said that there was no request from Maryam Nawaz to withdraw her name from ECL. Maryam Nawaz herself said that even if I am given a boarding card and ticket, I will not go out. We should obey Maryam Nawaz who Says I'm not going anywhere. Talking to media, he said that PDM has become stagnant, tensions have erupted, PPP and PML-N politics will benefit Imran Khan.

We will also meet the Prime Minister, Law Minister Forough Naseem regarding our agreement with Tehreek-e-Lubaik and take the draft to the National Assembly. He said that the Ministry of Home Affairs looks after the administrative matters on the border, the shelling discussed by both sides will not be done, so it is a good thing, people on the Indian side live far from the border, our population is along the border, our The damage is great.

Nothing can move forward without Kashmir issue, between Bhutto and Son Singh, Vajpayee could not move forward in Musharraf, because the Kashmiri nation knows how to take its right. He said that there is no way to remove Maryam Nawaz's name from ECL. The application did not come, Maryam Nawaz herself said that if I am given a boarding card in the plate and a ticket, I will not take it. By the way, I had asked Imran Khan as a test that if Maryam Nawaz applied for removal from ECL. Imran Khan said that the question does not arise, when Imran Khan said then there is no way, the first thing Maryam Nawaz did not apply, so the matter is over, Maryam Nawaz's request has not come yet, we I have to obey Maryam Nawaz who says I am not going anywhere.

He said that he was going to bring fundamental changes in the FIA. He has been sitting in the FIA ​​for 20 years. No officer will sit for more than three years.

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