Are Lemon seeds dangerous for health?
Lemon seeds can cause indigestion as well as constipation and stomach upset for people with a general medical condition.
To this day you know the benefits of fruits and their seeds, but there are some fruits whose seeds are harmful to health.
After eating the fruits, their seeds are separated and only the fruits are eaten. Although lemon seeds are considered safe and edible, they can also be harmful to people with health problems.
Lemons are often used in biryani and other foods, and at the same time lemon seeds are added to the food, which makes the mouth bitter when chewed. However, there are no side effects to the bitterness of lemon seeds.
According to the NineJA Foods website, the use of lemon seeds can cause indigestion as well as constipation and stomach upset for people with a general medical condition.
Alternatively, you can eat crushed lemon seeds instead of crushed ones, as this will not affect your digestion.
The use of lemon seeds can only point to additional requirements. If you often want to use lemon seeds for medical needs, be sure to seek a doctor's advice.