Imran Khan remarks on women's clothing

we must wear clothes that are in line with our religion and traditions so that evils can be eradicated from society.


 Recently, Prime Minister Imran Khan made such a statement in an interview to an American channel which caused a stir in many quarters of the country and the opponents started criticizing Imran Khan. However, the fact is that the Prime Minister's statement reflects the sentiments and psychology of the people of Pakistan.

There is a majority of Muslims in Pakistan who recognize the fact that the only way to live a good life is to follow the path prescribed by Islam. When we accept this fact, at the same time we are obliged to obey all the commandments of Islam which tell us that men and women have different ways of living. In the Qur'an, Allah Almighty has commanded a woman to cover her body while a man has been commanded to cover his face and keep his eyes down. If both men and women follow these commands, society will be free from all kinds of sexual evils. However, no single party can be held responsible for avoiding sexual evils. Had it been so, Allah Almighty would not have issued these orders for both men and women. Therefore, it cannot be said that a man should keep his eyes down, but a woman can remain safe even without a veil.

In the Indian subcontinent, women are considered a figure of shame. Even in India, an ordinary woman goes out with her head covered because that is the culture of the region. However, Pakistan is an ideological state that has been formed according to the ideology of Islam. Traditions here are also bound to meet religious requirements. So wearing women's clothing that is completely contrary to the traditions here will also make them stand out and when the dress does not meet the requirements of modesty, how is it possible to put a watch on someone's eyes.

The number of registered rape cases in the United States and India is more than one lakh annually and the same is the case in European countries. If we look at the statistics of sexual abuse in these countries, the rate of sexual crimes in Pakistan is almost non-existent.

Ordinary women in Pakistan like to cover themselves according to Sharia law, so men here have a habit of seeing women in full dress and if there is any action against the habit, there is a reaction. Therefore, if women wear traditional clothes under their protection, it will only protect them.

Imran Khan has clearly stated in his statement that he does not say that women should wear burqa while burqa meets all the Shariah requirements of women's clothing. However, we must wear clothes that are in line with our religion and traditions so that evils can be eradicated from society.

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