14 August 1947 The birthday of Pakistan

The whole country is celebrating with great fanfare, even we have put your picture and flag on our mobile phone profile and status. Cake is being cut in every institution and it is not known what the people are preparing, They don't believe what happened to you, but they write your words in golden letters and hang them on the wall and share them with others.

I have been chanting slogans in the name of Pakistan since morning, what could be more true love, Congratulations on your independence, By the grace of Allah, Pakistan will be young now, but its inhabitants are still children, It will take some time for them to grow up, Have a happy hour, do good good things.

Try, not the five thousand notes with your picture, Two or four will be the same, What to do, nowadays there is only a demand for these colorful notes, To Him belongs all that belongs, That is why your politicians and you are popular.

I heard you are not there because of us ... Pakistan is the only concern, By the way, now all the people must be having a good party there, Somewhere Iqbal's poems, somewhere Shibli Nomani speech, somewhere Fatima Jinnah's advice ... Gandhiji will also have to come and go, what is his condition, They will also see the situation from there, what they say, Tomorrow is also the birthday of his country.

 By the way, you people thought that the enmity between the two countries would be such that they would be on the verge of killing each other.

There is hope, The new generation is realizing that the benefit of these battles is of no use, maybe it will be understood for some time, Now we can't even hope, That is all we have.

 Iqbal's poems written for young people, in which he says to make your own destiny, which is now heard only in the twelfth exam or in the month of August, Yes, it works even when a politician has to use us youth or give a speech.

 Is there any breaking news of Pul-e-Pul? Even here, a number of breaking news is coming even while breathing, That is why intolerance is on the rise, No one is willing to listen to anyone, Everyone is listening, Humans have become animals, no one is safe.

By creating Pakistan, you have done a favor to our seven generations, the debt of which even our future generations cannot repay, But some people still find it useless.

Even today they do not understand why Pakistan was created, He says that there is hunger everywhere, problems are problems and riots are riots, How can we live here?

But in fact, we may forget our actions by saying what we did to this country, The teachings for which you received it, We have forgotten those teachings.

We have forgotten all those commandments, We are divided ... Instead of calling ourselves Pakistani, we started preferring Punjabi, Sindhi, Pashto and Balochi, He made his own brothers enemies because of the slightest difference of opinion.

You used to say don't work and just work. But we understood it as calm, calm in English and fell into luxury like our ancestors, The world is progressing, so what about us?

 We are not ready to work with dignity in our homeland but we are ready to go to other countries and eat tired food,  Here's how to do it, People also make fun of him, And God willing, our politicians are so entangled in each other's misunderstandings that they have no time for us and we Shaheen who had to fix the future are tired of themselves, But there is a lasting hope that through us, the United States, Australia, the United Kingdom and Europe will surely recover.

It is true that there are many shortcomings here, there is a lack of resources, there are no jobs but Pakistan is our country. That is our identity and that is our honor.

We are swept up in the flow of circumstances, It is too late for us to understand, We have to work for its betterment, We have to make an effort to make it so that the world can be proud of us, Hopefully it won't be too late for us to understand this, We will wake up soon and there is no choice. 

Now we ask your permission, with the hope that things will improve by next birthday. Goodbye.

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