Difference between Old Taliban and New Taliban

 In the past, the old Taliban ruled for almost six years from 1996 to 2001. During this time, they not only banned the education of girls, but also said that they must be accompanied by a mahram to get out of the house, and also insisted on having a beard. It was objected and it was forbidden to wear beads.

However, the Taliban's six-year rule saw a significant decline in poppy cultivation, a significant reduction in crime but Western newspapers strongly condemned the Taliban's efforts to educate girls, and the six-year period marked a significant step in Afghanistan's history. He called it a dark age even though the situation was not like that, but because the West did not like the Taliban, they attacked Kabul, especially the United States, with the help of the Northern Alliance, which ended the Taliban regime and pro-American elements. In the wake of 9/11, the United States also accused the Taliban of attacking trade towers and challenging US supremacy around the world, but the reality is the opposite.

The attackers included Saudi youths and UAE youths. The Afghan Taliban had no involvement. In this regard, the representatives of the Afghan Taliban tried to convince the United States that they had nothing to do with the attack on the Trade Tower, but the brave United States was not ready to listen to them.

The United States also questioned why Osama bin Laden was stationed in Afghanistan. This man is the head of al-Qaeda. Hand him over to us. What has happened is a sad history.

 As I write this column, the Afghan Taliban are engaged in a war and at the same time they are negotiating with Ashraf Ghani's government in Doha to end the possibility of a civil war. But because the Afghan government is not mentally prepared to succeed at the behest of the United States and India, the war continues and it is with great regret that the Afghan government is using the United States against the Afghan Taliban. Is stalling. However, the US and NATO forces declared that our war was over. We are leaving Afghanistan, But perhaps India and Israel have made up their minds to increase the number of Afghan Taliban casualties and try to prevent their possible victory, but the United States does not seem to be succeeding.

In fact, now the Afghan Taliban have changed mentally and intellectually, they have been changed by objective circumstances, they are also expressing this change. They now want to establish their own government in Afghanistan in the form of the new Taliban. For the past 20 years, they have fought and defeated US and NATO forces with small arms. The Taliban have also rejected the West's false propaganda that the Afghan Taliban will do what they did in the past when they take power. But an Afghan Taliban spokesman has bluntly said that they will not hinder women from getting a modern education, but will encourage them. Decisions will be made in the light of Islamic law to prevent crime.

Good and cordial relations will be established with all countries, including neighboring countries, so that Afghanistan can stand on its own two feet economically and socially. The Afghan Taliban have also announced that they will not allow their country's territory to be used against any other country once they come to power (still far away).

In the past, the governments of Karzai and Ashraf Ghani have given Afghan territory to Pakistan Had given free rein to use against. TTP and ISIS terrorists used to carry out terrorism in Pakistan. Rather, they are still doing so, so the Afghan Taliban have changed in every way. They are aware of the demands of the modern world. They even want to have good relations with the United States. To rebuild war-torn Afghanistan with US assistance and cooperation.

The Afghan Taliban have also announced that they do not want to form a government alone. Rather, they want to form a government with the full support of the Afghan people, but their demand is justified that the Afghan government should release Taliban prisoners under the Doha Accords (currently numbering around 5,000). Some prisoners have been released in the past.

If Afghan prisoners are released, the Taliban are ready for a three-month ceasefire. The West and the United States must get out of their minds that the Afghan Taliban are a symbol of conservatism. On the contrary, they have not only changed under the demands of modern conditions, but are also determined to change and improve the lives of their people. But if the United States thinks that it can stop the Afghan Taliban from advancing on the battlefield, then it is its mistake. In fact, the elements that the United States brought to power turned out to be corrupt. The United States fought their war and continued to enjoy power.

Just think! 

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