What is palmistry, An eye to Destiny

The universe is a divine matter of mathematical and engineering creation. When a human being is born, which star was in which constellation, in which place, also revolves around the arithmetic of astronomy. 

To study the lines and letters created by Allah Almighty on the hand, palm and back palm, is also another conscience knowledge and that is to study the face carefully, the face human feelings, joys, sorrows, sorrows, Happiness is a mirror, 

All these are human sciences but some are Wahhabi. For example, reading the face, the lines of the hands often change. In the same way, astrology, the journey of the stars also keeps on changing and their position also keeps on changing. All this does not happen automatically, but when the Creator of the universe created the universe, He has put all this in the constitution of its constitution as the Sunnah of Allah. The name of this is in the Qur'anic words "Tilak al-Ayyam nadawalha bin al-nas" (Qur'an) that these days, (in destiny) we bring down the night and day, changing it into human beings, and para 30 Sura Al-Sharh Verse 5, translation “There must be ease with difficulties. Of course, difficulties are accompanied by ease.

What is destiny?

Read carefully verse no. 22 of Surah Al-Hadid, translation 27: I have written (don't be surprised) this matter, your destiny, destiny, nature, temperament is very easy for Allah Almighty (that He is your Creator).

Now the question is, does this calamity come down automatically?

No, this revelation is associated with trouble, the time of revelation is associated with trouble, and when the revelation of destiny is accompanied by trouble, such changes in human nature, such changes in temperament occur that the revelation becomes troublesome. Translation: “Whatever calamity befalls you, it befalls with the permission of Allah. And whoever believes in Allah alone in spite of the revelation of this painful calamity, then Allah gives him the understanding and guidance of the way out of this calamity, for Allah alone knows all things.

Now the question is, why does this trouble come?

So the Holy Prophet comes for this affliction, for trial. Read verse 186 of Surah Al-Imran (Para 3). Translation: “We will surely afflict you with wealth and your people, and you will have to deal with the people of the Book and the polytheists a lot of hardships, if you persevere in these afflictions and are pious. So these are very important issues.

Now the question is why the world is not a paradise for Muslims, believers? 

Rather, for him, the world is a prison and a prison, while for the disbeliever, the world is a never-ending series of paradise and comforts of life and happiness. The words of the hadith are as follows: The answer to this is given in verse no. 178 of Aal-e-Imran: Yes, it is not so, but these rewards, a life based on the abundance of pleasures, is only to make them commit more sins, which in the end is a torment of humiliation as a punishment for them.  In contrast, believers, Muslims The news is that we will put you to the test by causing you fear, hunger, poverty, poverty, severe shortage of fruits and food. Give glad tidings to Allah that when they have to face these great calamities, they say: "We belong to Allah, and to Allah we shall return." I hear the call when they are calling me. These are the stages of supplication for response, faith and growth and guidance. From here, the journey of faith begins. 29 Translation: “Every living being in the heavens and the earth keeps asking Allah Almighty at every moment. Prays This is because every new day Allah Almighty appears with new glory, new grace, new gift.

One question is, what is the purpose of this change of destiny in human beings? 

Read Al-Imran verse number 140. “Allah bestows the stages of change in people (in the form of destinies) so that Allah may guide you through the stages of real knowledge about you and then prepare witnesses and martyrs from among you that Allah will never like the wrongdoers.

Frightened by these sufferings and difficulties, if one wants to seek death, the answer is as follows in Al-Imran verse 145: "No soul can die on its own, Divine permission is also associated with a specific time".

I conclude post with the verses of Surah Al-Alam Nashr once. "Inevitably, there are conveniences along with difficulties, Of course, there are also destinies with difficulties."

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